It is the mission of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish Religious Education Program to instruct the children and adults of this parish in the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church so that we may live our faith and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.


Our Parish 2024/25 Religious Education Program will begin on Sunday, September 8, 2024.

Classes for grades K– 9 will be held at St. Thomas’ School from 8:50-9:50 AM and at The Lyceum from 10:00-11:00 AM.

Registration forms have been emailed to previously enrolled students and are also available at the parish office.

Children making their sacraments (First Holy Communion and Confirmation) will require proof of Baptism or First Communion if received in a church other than our parish.

The Religious Education program is in need of volunteers to be a catechist or a substitute catechist.

If interested, please contact Roxy at 860 283 5817 or

Roxy Fainer – Religious Education Coordinator –

RE Registration Form 2024-2025

RE Calendar 2024-2025

RE Handbook 2024-2025